get figmaster

Buy once, use it forever

Get access to all modules including 42 chapters with practical exercises. It's a one time payment so you pay once and get access to a lifetime license.

Team license
License for up to 25 users. Perfect for small design teams, startups and agencies.
249149 USD
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    License for up to 25 users
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    Figmaster Design System
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    Module 1. Style guide (8 chapters)
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    Module 2. Components (18 chapters)
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    Module 3. Documentation (11 chapters)
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    Module 4. Use it (5 chapters)
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    Certificates of completion
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    Module 5. Team license bonus in Notion
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    Extra design systems resources in Notion
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Most popular
Individual license
A single license for solo designers, freelancers and developers.
9949 USD
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    License for 1 user
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    Figmaster Design System
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    Module 1. Style guide (8 chapters)
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    Module 2. Components (18 chapters)
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    Module 3. Documentation (11 chapters)
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    Module 4. Use it (5 chapters)
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    Certificate of completion
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For the technical and sales support
check the FAQ section below


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In the Figmaster course, I teach what I've learned during the last 3 years of working in Figma. I'm the creator of the Ant Design System for Figma, Product Design Kit for Figma, UX Toolkit for Figma, and the co-founder of SystemFlow. Up until now, I've built dozens of systems, including client work and side projects. If you are wondering how I'm finding the time to do freelance work and all these projects after hours, it's simple. The products I'm doing, I create for my own workflow - to help me deliver client work faster. In Figmaster, I want to teach people how to use Figma to achieve the same results. Spending $99 to learn what I've learned so far spending thousands of hours working in Figma and Design Systems is a great deal!

Matt Wierzbicki
The creator of Figmaster
Something's unclear?

Frequently Asked Questions

What's inside the package?
After the purchase, you will get:
License key to get full access to the Figmaster plugin
Figmaster - Lessons Figma file
Figmaster - Solutions Figma file
Figmaster Design System
Does the course covers auto layout and variants?
Yes! In the second module you will learn how to build components with auto layout and variants.
Are there certificates of completion at the end of the course?
Yes! You will be able to request your certificate of completion (like the one below) when you have all lessons finished! The certificates will be digital and hosted on the domain, so you will be able to add them to your portfolio or share them on your social media.
What is more, you will be able to add your certificate to your LinkedIn profile in your certifications section! It’s a great way to showcase your knowledge and professional achievements on your profile!
Certificate of completion Figmaster
Is there students' discount available?
No, we already discounted the course from 99 to 49 USD and for the value you get is already a very low price :)
Can I get an invoice?
Yes! Click the "Generate" button on your receipt from Lemon Squeezy after your purchase, and you can generate a detailed invoice with any additional information you need.
Can I upgrade to the team license later?
Sure! Drop me an email at, and I'll sort you out.
What if I decide it's not for me?
Firstly, I strongly recommend checking out the free demo lessons where you can see how it works. That way, you can decide if it's for you or not. However, if for any reason Figmaster is not what you've expected, I'll process the refund if you contact me within seven days of purchase - drop me a line at
How do I contact you?
Drop me a line at